Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Books, films and music - and then about life itself

Since my previous post here - ages ago, at least it must have been June - I have listened to and read things as best as I can.

I´ve watched films and comprehended in the way only I can - my way. The last book I read was "The Corrections" by Jonathan Franzen. A treat. Before that; "Ligge i grønne enger" by Anne B. Ragde (and I was, as intended (?) by the author, slightly disappointed with how the story ended), in France this summer I was amazed by "Perfume - The Story of a Murderer" by Patrick Süskind (at least the first 80% of the story), earlier in the summer "Snømannen" by Jo Nesbø scared me slightly, and at the moment I am half way through "The Inheritance of Loss" by Kiran Desai. "Kamelskyer" by Thorvald Steen was a small surprise. Very intimate, human, though as books can be. Philip Roth's "The Plot against America" was (of course) well written, with a interesting take on what "might have happened". I also ended a long relationship with Harry Potter, Hermine and Ronny when J.K. Rowling's published her seventh tale on their years at Hogwarths school of witchcraft and magic.

I saw "Ratatouille" at the La Maline cinema in La Couarde-sur-mer with my daughter when we spent our annual week at Ile de Ré in company with Cécile and Hok. I had some good weeks together with Ina. As always. I watched "Paris, je t'aime" twice, because I loved the film and I like Paris, even though it is a difficult city to acquire (Steve Earle; "Paris was never my kind of town...". I really liked Almodovar's "Volver" too - and alongside these I've probably seen films on television that I, in this moment of writing can't recall.

I have listened to a lot of music this summer, with albums by "The Weakerthans", "Stars", "Wilco", "Beirut" and "Rilo Kiley" among my favourites.

However, this link, provided by Mary, is still probably of the most touching things I have experienced this summer. It's not a piece of fiction - it is very real, like fiction occasionally intend to portray. Not many people frequent this blog of mine - but as YOU happen to be here just now please read this:



Avil said...

Thank you for heldping by linking to my blog.
I suppose the link doesn't work bacause it containes Ø.

Try just http://avil.wordpress.com/

I have "frozen" the blog for a while, so that the post about my friend will stay at the top.

Avil said...


degarden said...

Kristine, det er du som skal ha takk!