Monday, December 15, 2008

Larsen & Ullmann

Two quite captivating personas, Liv Ullmann and Marit Larsen.

Obviously, their presence are known to me because they are Norwegians
, like myself. But apart from tiny coincidences (like that of citizenship) I just want to state that these two women resemble each other in so many ways. The way they talk, body language and their appearance in public situations bare many similarities. I hope I don’t qualify in being some sort of stalker by declaring such a thing – at least that was never my intention. My knowledge of these gifted two is limited to what I’ve seen in interviews and read elsewhere about them. (And of course from their work within the arts, which I find enticing; Larsen and her music, Ullmann as an actress and director.)

They appear somewhat shy (in that, to me – agreeable fashion), funny and enlightened in a coy, [feminine?] manner. Of course I am not sure if this annotation at all serves any purpose, I only write about it here because it is my own observation. [In fact it is probably a very inadequate

This was first of all a post to congratulate Liv Ullmann on her birthday tomorrow.

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