Thursday, December 08, 2005


Why is it so difficult for me to get myself over to the cinema?

The brilliant people at Uncut (take 104, January 2006) provide their list of best films of the year 2005, and I am immediately informed that I have missed out completely. I have been sleeping. Real hard! Well, this isn't exactly a "I have not seen any of them" statement, but it's so close...

Uncut-best-film-of-the-year-2005 is "A History of Violence"... and nope, haven't seen it..., #2; "Downfall"! ...nope, failed again... however, all the way down at #20; "Wedding Crashers"; so 1 point (and even though I liked this film, the fact that I have seen it doesn't give me comfort seeing the rest of the list after having read reviews throughout the year but still failed at going to the movies to see them), #24; "Maria Full of Grace"; 2 points (this probably should score more than a single point, but I restrain myself from being too generous). And at #29; "The Aviator" - at least this one is "on hold" in my bookshelves, before finally finding its place in my DVD-collection. (1/2 a point then - and 2 1/2 in total). Weak! Weak!

So I have a job to do in the coming period. First of all, I should put a lot more emphasis on actually getting myself over to the local cinemas more often, and secondly; I will have to spend huge amounts of money on buying DVDs in 2006.

Thanks Uncut (not!!!) - for giving me this sense of failure at popular culture. But a million thanks for always keeping me updated on what I miss out on in the world of cinema, DVDs, books and music every month. I wouldn't be the same without your perpetual quest to inform! It is not my lack of interest, it is really a lack of time. And aren't we bored with always saying that we don't have time. Everything has to be so convenient - convenient is never easy.

Priority in the coming period:
1. A History of Violence / 2. Downfall / 5. Sideways / 10. Sin City / 12. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou / 18. 2046 / 19. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang / 25. Hotel Rwanda


degarden said...

I have now seen these films : "Downfall", "Sideways", "Sin City" and "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou"... I am still here, so there's a good chance that I will catch up on the others as well - eventually.

degarden said...

I have now seen these films : "Downfall", "Sideways", "Sin City" and "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou"... I am still here, so there's a good chance that I will catch up on the others as well - eventually.